4.12.2: Lesson 12 — The Presidents of the U.S.A.

This lesson will include information about the presidents of the United States of America in chronological order.  While this topic is informative in itself, these lessons will help build American English listening and reading skills as well.  Please make sure to pay close attention to the following materials and don’t forget to share your insights and what you’ve learned in the comments section below.

Directions: Listen to the audio and read the text below one or more times.


Directions: Watch the video and take the quiz below to check your understanding. After you finish, please share your insights and what you’ve learned in the comments section below.

Click here to take test: https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/3828554/p1.html?isEmbedded=True

2 thoughts on “4.12.2: Lesson 12 — The Presidents of the U.S.A.

  1. American President of United State
    ”James Knox Polk’ ‘Dark Horse’
    I took the quiz of this lesson. My score is 100%. it’s mean I have answered 4 correct answers from total 4 questions.

  2. 4.12.2: Lesson12- The Presidents of United State.
    ” James Hock Polk,” Dark Horse.
    James Polk was the11th President of the United State in 1845.He became the first dark horse candidate in U.S. history to be nominated by a major party. He was someone, no one thought would win, but he did.
    James Polk was born in the Southeastern state of North Caroline. He was the eldest of his ten siblings. He studied law, married an intelligent and wealthy woman, named Sara Childress. The two never had children. James Polk’s four-point program as president, wanted to reduce taxes on imports. He wished would establish an independent treasury. He hoped the settle the dispute with Britain over the Oregen
    border and he wanted to get California for the United States. James Polk eventually achieved all his goal. President Polk kept his promise to serve only one term. After four years, he retired from the presidency, only three months, he left the white house, Polk died. Though, he left behind a much larger country, but the Issu of slavery, it was devastation.

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