4.12.1: Year 4 American English Vocabulary

Congratulations for reaching Year 4 of your English Studies.  For Year 4 American English vocabulary, we will work on American English idioms as well as short videos explaining a term heard in a movie.

  • Directions: Click on the link below to learn 3 American English Idioms
  • Directions: Watch the video below to learn a new English vocabulary term

3 thoughts on “4.12.1: Year 4 American English Vocabulary

  1. 4.12.1: Year 4
    English @ the movies.
    ”Bucket List”
    I watched the clip of movie and listened the phrase, ‘bucket list’, As I understand the meaning of the ‘bucket List ‘ is a list of things to accomplish before one’s death or a list of that a person would like to do or achieve before they die. I remember My father was seriously ill and I went to meet him at the hospital.
    It was a very emotional and touchy scene. My father said to me, ”Humera, pray for my health, I have so many things on my bucket life list yet to do” we were talking in our own Language, which is ”Urdu” but I translated our talk into English Language just to use the phrase, ‘Bucket List’. Hopefully I used it correctly.

  2. 4.12.1: Year 4
    American English Idioms# 12
    1) Below the belt: Unfair…If a remark is below the belt, it is very insulting and unfair, unkind, cruel and
    Do you think it is a bit below the belt what they are doing?
    This kind of below the belt is discrimination.
    2) Bend someone’s year: Talk to someone, specially at length or to ask a favor.
    She regularly bends his tear with her problem.
    I have been bending my friend’s year all day about my plan.
    3) Beside oneself: that means to be extremely upset, anxious, or excited. it can also mean
    uncontrollably angry or frustrated.
    She was beside herself with worry when she heard the news.

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