4.18.4: Lesson 18 — American Short Stories


In order to be better prepared to understand and discuss more complex short stories, we will now study key reading comprehension skills as well as read  some of Maestro Sersea’s creative short stories.  Please think about what you’ve learned from the reading comprehension skills lessons and try to apply them to the short stories you read from now on. Don’t forget to include what you’ve learned in the comments section below.

Directions:  Please click on each of the links below:

Finding the Main Idea

Fabiola’s Academic and Professional Success Story: Creative Stories #6

2 thoughts on “4.18.4: Lesson 18 — American Short Stories

  1. 4.18.4: Lesson 18- American’s short stories.
    _ Finding the main idea.
    As I understand to find the main idea of a text, essay, story or an article, we should focus the or last sentence of the paragraph or article. The main idea tells us what the paragraph or article or other section of a text is going to be about. We can find identifying the main idea by asking the questions about the text which we read in depth. We should pay close attention to the introduction, the first sentence of the paragraph or text and the conclusion, these two places, the author typically states and supports the main idea, and the summary is our statement of what the central or main idea is.

  2. 4.18.4: Lesson 18-American short stories.
    ” Fabiola’s Academic and professional success story:
    Creative short stories# 6
    Fabiola’s success story is truly inspiring. She left Argentina hoping that her life in California would be success and satisfying. Her determination and motivation made her dream true, and she
    ultimately achieved her goals very quickly. She attended ESL class every night and practiced English with the help of her English teacher. Her teacher was Maestro Sersea, who enjoyed teaching English and helping students feel welcome in class. Maestro Sersea has his students from all over the world and he has a global students university. Maestro Sersea also helped her prepared for the TOFEL exam, then she earned an Association Degree in English Language and Literature. She is currently a certified English teacher at a public school. She has plans to attend Law school to immigrants became successful in America.
    Fabiola’s parents are happy, and they feel proud of her accomplishments and want her to go on and on with her life.
    She should continuously develop new skills and knowledge. Mentore others, sharing her experiences or she should explore new hobbies or interest. She can consider starting a family life (If desire), because after having everything one need a good companion, and she deserve it.

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