4.17.4: Lesson 17 — American Short Stories


In order to be better prepared to understand and discuss more complex short stories, we will now study key reading comprehension skills as well as read  some of Maestro Sersea’s creative short stories.  Please think about what you’ve learned from the reading comprehension skills lessons and try to apply them to the short stories you read from now on. Don’t forget to include what you’ve learned in the comments section below.

Directions:  Please click on each of the links below:


Louis’ Road to Recovery and Professional Success in the USA: Creative Stories #5

2 thoughts on “4.17.4: Lesson 17 — American Short Stories

  1. 4.17.4: Lesson 17 American short stories
    _ Sequencing
    ” Reading Comprehensive Skill ”
    I read and listened to your vlog on the above article and found it extremely helpful in understanding, ”
    Sequencing’ ‘weather we are parent, teacher or student, this post provided us practical awareness and tools to help us master the crucial skill of sequencing.
    In simple terms sequencing a story, article, and essay means identifying the main narrative components the binging, middle and end, as a first step towards retelling the events of the story in logical order. Sequencing is useful for assessing students understanding of the links between events or ideas. We come across sequences in many places in real life too.
    Sat Question: I got 5 answers correct out of 7 sat questions.

  2. 4.17.4: Lesson 17 – American short stories.
    ” Luis Road to Recovery and Professional Success in the U.S.A: Creative story#5
    A great interesting and remarkable journey of success and the process of becoming healthy again of Luis. He belonged from France and his dream came true when he got the green card of U. S.A.Although Luis had a rough and tough start in the United States of America, because of his drinking problem, lost his job, lack of money and the big hurdle to communication his difficulties due to not knowing English language. eventually got a better life, by focusing on his education and health. Drinking was big problem for him, and it was hard to quit it. Luis continued going to Alcoholic Anonymous regularly. He beat his problem with alcoholism and became sober for life. His mother was very happy and felt that he would be able to live the life he wanted. Luis heard about a free certificate programmer of English language. The teacher was Maestro Sersea .After that he registered himself to be a part of Nursing Assistant Programma.He became a successful professional. His family in France was very proud of him. He was able to work for Hoag Hospital for twenty years and helped the patients there. Luis was very happy what he had achieved in his life. He was proud of himself of becoming a successful person. So, habits can be changed and with a bit of time and effort, healthy behavior can become second nature. Now it is the time he should increase his life and get married with a sober girl and expand his life, he deserves a good, loving and beautiful partner and quit children.
    I got all my answer correct.

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