4.3.2: Lesson 3 — The Presidents of the U.S.A.

This lesson will include information about the presidents of the United States of America in chronological order.  While this topic is informative in itself, these lessons will help build American English listening and reading skills as well.  Please make sure to pay close attention to the following materials and don’t forget to share your insights and what you’ve learned in the comments section below.

Directions: Listen to the audio and read the text below one or more times.


Directions: Watch the video and take the quiz below to check your understanding. After you finish, please share your insights and what you’ve learned in the comments section below.

Click here to take the test: https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/3738941/p1.html?isEmbedded=True

2 thoughts on “4.3.2: Lesson 3 — The Presidents of the U.S.A.

  1. 4.3.2 Lesson 3- The President of the U.S. A
    ”John Adam” The second President of United State.
    I took the quiz of this lesson, and my score is 80%. I could not make one question correct.

  2. 4.3.2: Lesson 3- The President of U.S.A.
    ” John Adam ” The second president of United State.
    A son of farmer, as well as church official and town leader, John Adam, a remarkable political, philosopher was elected and served as the second President of the United state in 1796. John Adam, himself was one of the busiest lawyers in Boston.
    Being the second President of a new country and the follower of a very successful and popular president, Gorge Washington, John Adam faced so many challenges and went through with hard time, although, they belonged to the same party and shared many points of views. Adam’s rival fellow, Thomas Jefferson elected and became vice president, friends but political enemies. they were opposite when it came to government. john Adam was a federalist in favor of a strong central government. Jefferson was a state rights man. They sometime fought about their differences, but their love and respect for one another never diminished. John Adam faced a foreign policy crisis. He did not want to get pulled into a war between France and Great Britain, he wants to resolve the problem peacefully, he worked hard to get” an Honorable Peace” and got it. Reaching peace with France was the greatest jewel in his crown.
    John Adam had a happy marriage life. The relation between him and his wife, Abigal was one of the, best known of that time They wrote many letters to each other during the years they were a part. Both of them were passionate patriots who supported the American Revolution and agreed the issue of slavery.
    On July4,1826, the National’s 50th Birthday- the two friends, patriots and former U.S Presidents died within hours of one another.

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